Event Archive | World Obesity Federation

Event Archive


Jun 16, 21

SCOPE School Global: Obesity & bariatric surgery

SCOPE School Global - Obesity & bariatric surgery: The patient journey

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Jun 15, 21

Improving food and physical activity environments to build a stronger European Health Union

We welcome you to the 1st event of the World Café series hosted by European projects STOP, CO-CREATE, PEN and Best-ReMaP

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Apr 28, 21

SCOPE School Global: Obesity and Mental Health

SCOPE School Global is returning with 'Obesity and Mental Health: What is the connection?'

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Apr 08, 21

Physical inactivity and obesity – can we break the cycle?

Thursday, 8th April 2021 at 15:30-16:30 GMT

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Apr 06, 21


Asia-Oceania conference on obesity & Malaysian Association for the study of obesity scientific conference.

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Mar 18, 21

World Obesity Live: Obesity & Cancer

Obesity & Cancer - A looming Public Health concern for the Caribbean region

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Mar 10, 21

XXV IFSO Journal Club

XXV IFSO JOURNAL CLUB: The impact of metabolic surgery on T2DM

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Dec 08, 20

SCOPE School Global: Childhood obesity – a window of opportunity for action

Join us for our third, and final, SCOPE School Global of 2020!

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Dec 04, 20

World Obesity Live: Joining the dots – a reflection on COVID-19 & Obesity

This last webinar of the series will serve as an opportunity to reflect and explore priority actions and move forward.

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