Marie Chan Sun

Presentation: Medication
Considering the learning outcomes of my talk, after the presentation, you should have a general understanding of the challenges faced in curbing the obesity epidemic, appraise the main pillars of health promotion and discuss whether we can break the obesity cycle on individual and societal level. An online video will be created to present various challenges faced in the global efforts for addressing obesity as a public health issue, with emphasis on the importance of primordial prevention of obesity. Attention will be drawn on the fact that prevention is only one of the five pillars of health promotion; the four other pillars for healthy people will be highlighted. The individual and societal measures to break the obesity and cardiovascular disease cycle will be discussed. Motivational counselling for healthy mode of living at individual level will be addressed. The importance of advocacy work for public health policies for prevention of obesity and cardiovascular diseases will describe a holistic approach to achieve a paradigm shift towards the healthy living at population level.
Marie's Biography
As an academic member working in the Department of Medicine of the University of Mauritius, Marie Chan Sun has experience in teaching Nutrition and Endocrinology on medical programs. She is a member of the World Obesity Federation and World Heart Federation Expert Group on Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease. For the World Heart Day 2019, she was involved in the “My Heart, your heart” sensitization campaign in her workplace setting for community service. As part of her research activities, she has supervised health professions students on childhood obesity and central obesity in Mauritius as well as metabolic syndrome and intermittent fasting, amongst others. She forms part of the World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders family, as a member of the Tobacco Control Cohort 2016. In addition to being a tobacco control advocate, she strives to promote healthy eating as means of prevention of chronic diseases. As medical graduate from Université de Saint Etienne (France) and holder of a PhD degree from the Open University of Mauritius (Mauritius), she has an interest in Public Health.