Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Well-being and Health Promotion | World Obesity Federation

Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Well-being and Health Promotion

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly

Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being

  • Agenda item 15.3: Well-being and Health Promotion
  • Agenda item 15.5: Economics and health for all

The NCD Alliance welcomes the call by the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for to recognition of prevention as an economic investment. We urge Member States to harmonise fiscal policies with public health policy and increase excise taxes on unhealthy products.

On behalf of the NCD Alliance, the World Cancer Research Fund International, and the World Obesity Federation, we welcome the Director-General's report on implementing the well-being framework.

We strongly support the draft decision on enhancing health through sport events and urge Member States to adopt it. We recommend curtailing the marketing of unhealthy products at sport events and safeguarding collaborations from undue influence.

We emphasise the critical role of physical activity and healthy environments in sport settings as part of a comprehensive approach to implementing other NCD “best buys.”

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Well-being and Health Promotion

Statement on Agenda Item 15.3 & 15.5

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