Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - UHC & Obesity | World Obesity Federation

Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - UHC & Obesity

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly

Pillar 1: One billion more people benefiting from universal health coverage

  • Agenda Item 11.1: Universal Health Coverage
  • Agenda item 11.2: Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

Ambitious NCD and nutrition targets need to be set at the 2025 High Level Meeting to account for the soaring obesity pandemic affecting 1 billion people worldwide.

Action required to address it needs to be comprehensive, people-centred and integrated into the health system through screening, health promotion interventions, prevention and management of obesity within primary health care as part of Universal Health Coverage.

We welcome commitments of WHO Acceleration Plan front-runner countries informing and spearheading action for all Member States, around priorities such as front-of-pack labelling, marketing restrictions, and health service delivery.

We remain committed to supporting the WHO Acceleration plan to STOP obesity and strongly ask Member States to resource appropriately, as both prevention and treatment are essential to effectively curve current obesity trends and tackle other NCDs.

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Universal Health Coverage & Obesity

Statement on Agenda Items 11.1 & 11.2

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