Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition | World Obesity Federation

Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly

Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being

  • Agenda item 15.2: Maternal, infant and young child nutrition

World Obesity, with support of NCDA and WCRF International, recognise the critical need to protect and promote breastfeeding. Robust actions against digital marketing of breast-milk substitutes and immediate implementation of WHO guidelines are needed.

Breastfeeding is crucial for child and maternal health, preventing overweight, obesity, and NCDs including breast cancer. Aggressive digital marketing of breast-milk substitutes hinders breastfeeding, violates the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. 

We call on Member States to accelerate regulation, surveillance, enforcement and resourcing, and safeguard policies from industry interference.

We urge Member States to support a resolution during the 78th World Health Assembly and effectively take up WHO guidelines protecting the lives of infants and mothers worldwide.

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Statement to the 77th World Health Assembly - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition

Statement on agenda item 15.2

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