Resource Library | World Obesity Federation

Resource Library

Statements May 20, 19

Statement to the 72nd World Health Assembly | Climate Change

Statement to 72nd World Health Assembly on the Draft WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change.

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May 16, 19

Reinventing the food system report

A report launched following our event in Brussels, Reinventing the Food System.

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Jan 31, 19

Joint Statement at the 144th Session of the WHO Executive Board

The joint statement at the 144th Session of the WHO Executive Board

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Statements Jan 17, 19

The Sydney Principles

The Sydney Principles: Guiding Principles for achieving a substantial level of protection for children .

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Position Papers Jan 17, 19

Obesity in Europe: The Case for Action

Position paper developed by IOTF & EASO for Obesity in Europe.

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Reports Jan 17, 19

Obesity prevention in children in pre-school years: Policies and evidence

Report of a high-level workshop held in Brussels, 11 April 2014.

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Briefings Jan 17, 19

Food, nutrition, diet and NCD’s

Brief on food, nutrition, diet and NCD’s published by IASO, NCDA & WCRF.

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Briefings Jan 17, 19

Factsheet: Unhealthy Diets

A factsheet on unhealthy diets, published by World Heart Federation and World Obesity.

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