Resource Library | World Obesity Federation

Resource Library


Dec 04, 20

Stepping up action on childhood obesity

Barriers, lessons and next steps for implementing the Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity.

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Briefings Nov 11, 20

Childhood Obesity: Maintaining momentum during COVID-19

New policy brief from World Obesity, delivering a message to the World Health Assembly.

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Oct 19, 20

Gulf & Lebanon Regional Recommendations

The “Regional Recommendations for the Treatment and Management of Adult Obesity in the Gulf & Lebanon” report.

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Oct 12, 20

67th session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

World Obesity Federation statement to the 67th session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

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Oct 06, 20

71st Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific (6-9 Oct 2020)

World Obesity Federation statement on item 8. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Oct 06, 20

Joint statement to the Special Session of the WHO Executive Board, 5-6 October 2020

Joint statement from WCRF International and World Obesity Federation, supported by NCD Alliance.

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Oct 05, 20

Statement to the Special Session of the WHO Executive Board

Statement to the Special Session of the WHO Executive Board, 5-6 October 2020

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Sep 29, 20

World Obesity Statement to the 72nd Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas

World Obesity Federation statement endorsed by Instituto Nacional De Salud Pública (México) and CAMMYN (Chile).

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Briefings Aug 28, 20

Obesity and COVID-19: Policy Briefing

Following our worldwide members survey on COVID-19 & Obesity, we've formed our new policy briefing.

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