Resource Library | World Obesity Federation

Resource Library


Feb 14, 23

Obesity: The other pandemic of the 21st century now available to buy

Buy your copy now of this timely book which covers contemporary obesity research, available in English and Spanish.

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Statements Feb 06, 23

Statement to the 152nd Executive Board - UN Decade of Action on Nutrition

Agenda item 18. United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016−2025)

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Statements Feb 03, 23

Statement to the 152nd Executive Board - Social Determinants of Health

Agenda item 16. Social determinants of health

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Feb 01, 23

Statement to the 152nd Executive Board - ‘Best buys’

Agenda item 6. Political declaration of the third HLM of the GA on the prevention and control of NCDs, and mental health

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Statements Feb 01, 23

Statement to the 152nd Executive Board - UHC

Agenda item 5. Reorienting health systems to primary health care as a resilient foundation for universal health coverage

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Nov 10, 22

Health organisations call on the UNFCCC for robust conflict of interest management of COP following Coca-Cola’s COP27 sponsorship

An open letter, to Simon Stiell (Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC) objecting to Coca-Cola's sponsorship of COP27.

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Statements Nov 01, 22

Joint Statement: Response to The Times article “Fat shaming is the only way to beat obesity crisis”

This joint statement is in response to The Times article by Matthew Parris, 28th October 2022.

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Oct 30, 22

World Obesity Federation’s response to WHO Discussion Paper

Draft recommendations for the prevention and management of obesity over the life course, including potential targets

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Statements Oct 13, 22

Statement to the 69th Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

Report Number (c): Promoting health and well-being in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

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