World Obesity have collated known materials pertaining to Obesity/NCDs and the current outbreak of COVID-19.
From the World Health Organization to the NCD Alliance and many other friends and colleagues worldwide, we will be hosting information notes, guidance for those living with obesity as well as those treating it, calls to action for government and local authorities to ensure best practice and all manner of other materials as and when available.
If you have any queries about this resource page, or know of any materials that are well suited to also be shared here, please contact our communications department here.

WHO Information Notes
The World Health Organization has released an information note on NCD's, as well as guidance in Maintaining Essential Health Services and Systems.
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NCDA Resources
The NCD Alliance have collated their own resource page, complete with regional guidance as well as NCD specific guidance.
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John Hopkins Resource Centre
John Hopkins houses the most current and comprenhensive data and map visuals on worldwide Coronavirus cases.
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WCRF Resources
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) have collated information and advice, including on physical excercise, eating well and tips for children during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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UNSCN Resources
The United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) has published a resource list on food systems and nutrition responses from across multiple organisations, including the WHO and the UN.
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EASO/ECPO Resources
The European Coalition for People Living with Obesity (EASO ECPO) have collated resources in their 'COVID-19 Patient Area', encompassing patient resources useful in coping with COVID-19.
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UNICEF Resources
UNICEF have collated resources and guidance for parents and children, as well as fact checking sources and materials for the media to utilise.
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CDC Resources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have collated resources and guidance on how to protect yourself and what to do if you are sick.
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Global Obesity Observatory
Our Global Obesity Observatory (World Obesity Federation's data and information hub) provides up-to-date data and information pertaining to overweight and obesity.