World Obesity Webinars
World Obesity hosted two webinars in September!
On Thursday 19th September, a World Obesity Webinar on 'Management and treatment of obesity in children and youth' was held.
In 2018, World Obesity Federation started launching a series of dossiers, accessible here. The policy dossiers provide a summary of evidence and resources to help policymakers, NGOs and others when seeking to implement or influence the development of a policy in their country. The dossiers include links to summaries to systematic reviews, cost studies, case studies and other resources such as government guidelines & recommendations, advocacy materials, statements from key stakeholders and media reports, and are supplemented by policy briefings. In light of the publication of a new dossier on Thursday 19 September, a webinar on the management and treatment of obesity in children and youth was held.
Presentations were delivered by:
• Johanna Ralston (moderator)
• Margot Neveux
• Tim Lobstein
• Paulina Nowicka
• Louise Baur
Topics discussed included inequalities in childhood obesity treatment. lifestyle & behavioural interventions in the treatment of childhood obesity and emerging interventions to treat childhood obesity.
You can listen to the recording and access the slides here.

On Wednesday 11th September, a World Obesity Webinar on 'Obesity and UHC - Working towards common goals' was held.
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a unifying goal to help governments achieve equitable and sustainable health outcomes. UHC means enjoying a high standard of physical and mental health and having access to high-quality affordable health services. Combining health and development objectives, UHC aims to reduce poverty and improve heath without leaving anyone behind. This aim will be unattainable with current projections that 2.7 billion adults will be overweight or living with obesity by 2025. Obesity must be a global health priority if UHC is to be realised. UHC is an opportunity to strengthen all health systems for obesity. By addressing these health-system level issues, obesity advocates can contribute to UHC and sustainable development.
The webinar was an opportunity to learn more about UHC at the global level, as well the current challenges for health systems ahead of the first High Level Meeting on UHC in New York. We heard from members and patients about their experiences of adrressing obesity at country level. Moreover, we encouraged participants to reflect on how UHC can be an opportunity to amplify efforts.
Speakers included:
• Johanna Ralston
• Rachel Thompson
• Jaynaide Powis
• Dr Agbo Urudinachi, President of the Nigerian Obesity Association
• Kingsley Okeke, Nigeria
The topics covered during the webinar included an introduction to UHC and the high level meeting, obesity and health systems (global situation), obesity in Nigerian health systems, and a facilitated discussion.
You can listen to the recording and access the slides here.