Welcoming new member organisations from Malaysia and Brazil
We are delighted to welcome two new organisations as World Obesity members.
Joining us are the Malaysian Society of Obesity (MYOS), and Voices of Advocacy (Federation of Diabetes and Obesity Associations and Institutes). Both organisations join as Associate Members.
Malaysian Society of Obesity (MYOS)
The Malaysian Obesity and Diabetes Society (MYOS), founded in 2023, is dedicated to addressing obesity in Malaysia through education, research, advocacy, and clinical intervention. Its primary goal is to have obesity recognised as a disease within the healthcare system. With 150 members, including healthcare professionals and researchers, MYOS focuses on evidence-based strategies to improve patient outcomes and awareness.
Key objectives include:
- Establishing a unified body to advocate for obesity and diabetes management.
- Encouraging collaboration among members to share expertise.
- Creating a strong community with shared goals.
- Enhancing healthcare, research, and education efforts for obesity patients.
- Strengthening cooperation with relevant organisations.
- Promoting regional collaborations for clinical and research advancements.
President: Prof. Rohana Abdul Ghani
Visit MYOS's website: https://www.myos.org.my/myos/myos-home
Voices of Advocacy (Federation of Diabetes and Obesity Associations and Institutes)
The Federation includes 27 Brazilian organisations united in support of the causes of diabetes, obesity and their complications. Their mission is to increase access to diagnosis and treatment, as well as promoting public policies that protect and support these populations. They want to give a voice to the causes of diabetes, obesity and all their complications, in order to: expand knowledge about the causes, actively participate in the fight for adequate treatment at the municipal, state and federal levels, and promote dialogue with different entities, the government, the media and society.
They are expanding their representation with the government and parliamentarians, by raising awareness and engaging all political decision-makers on the causes, as well as promoting campaigns and monitoring compliance with agreements and the formulation of public policies that benefit the populations with diabetes and obesity in the country.
President: Vanessa Pirolo Vivancos
Visit Voices of Advocacy's website: https://vozesdoadvocacy.com.br/
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