Newly Updated SCOPE Module on Obesity and COVID-19 | World Obesity Federation

Newly Updated SCOPE Module on Obesity and COVID-19

NewsNewly Updated SCOPE Module on Obesity and COVID-19

Last year, we released our free SCOPE E-Learning module on Obesity and COVID-19.

Authored by Prof. Donna Ryan, the module is an essential resource for all health professionals, providing an invaluable overview of the links between the two diseases and outlining effective management strategies.

In the intervening months, the scientific understanding of COVID-19 has evolved rapidly. Prof. Ryan has therefore developed an updated version of her module which incorporates the latest data and research on obesity and COVID-19, as well as information on vaccine efficacy in people with obesity. We encourage all health professionals to view this newly updated course, which can be accessed free of charge via SCOPE E-Learning.

The updated module is now available in Spanish, French and Portuguese as well as English. By completing the module, you will earn 0.5 SCOPE points which count towards your SCOPE Certification or annual renewal.

Donna H. Ryan, MD is Professor Emerita at Pennington Biomedical in Baton Rouge, LA, where she directed clinical research for 22 years. Her own research includes participation on the teams that developed and executed the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), POUNDS Lost, DPP (Diabetes Prevention Program) and Look AHEAD Studies. Dr. Ryan’s continuing research interests focus on translation of effective weight management into primary care practices.

Dr. Ryan’s scholarly activities include authorship of more than 200 original publications and 45 books, chapters and reviews, primarily in the field of obesity. She is Associate Editor-in-Chief or Obesity. She served as co-Chair of the Expert Panel that produced the AHA/ACC/TOS 2013 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Obesity and was a panel member of the 2015 Endocrine Society Systematic Evidence Review and Guidelines for Medications that Affect Body Weight.

Dr. Ryan is Past President of the World Obesity Federation.

What is SCOPE?

SCOPE provides the only internationally-recognised certification in obesity management. The web-based SCOPE E-Learning platform offers more than 40 bitesize modules on obesity and its comorbidities, most of which are completely free to access.