Finnish advocacy group Terve Paino joins World Obesity Federation | World Obesity Federation

Finnish advocacy group Terve Paino joins World Obesity Federation

NewsFinnish advocacy group Terve Paino joins World Obesity Federation

Terve Paino, otherwise known as Healthy Weight, has joined World Obesity Federation with a view to raising its international profile and supporting its work towards obesity reduction measures in Finland.

The main goal of Terve Paino is to advocate for laws and regulations that promote a healthier food environment and to promote measures that protect children from the marketing of unhealthy foods. Counting on some 170 members throughout Finland, Terve Paino influences political decision making and regulation of the activities of the private sector to promote environmental changes supporting healthier food and beverage consumption.

On joining World Obesity, Terve Paino chairman and former MP, Prof. Pekka Puska, declared:

"Since obesity is a big global problem, strong global action is needed, and Healthy Weight NGO is proud to be part of this network.”

World Obesity looks forward to working alongside Terve Paino and the Finnish Association for the Study of Obesity to promote obesity reduction measures.

Visit Terve Paino's website:

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