CO-CREATE webinars: new policy indexes on nutrition and physical activity
The CO-CREATE project hosted two well-attended webinars in May to publicise the new NOURISHING and MOVING policy indexes, and country snapshots.
Government action to create environments where people find it easy to be physically active, as well as maintain and access a healthy diet are essential for the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity and related NCDs. These tools stem from a scan of nutrition and physical activity policies across 30 European countries. The two policy briefs provide an at-a-glance assessment of the policy index results, and country-specific snapshots have also been created.
CO-CREATE’s new suite of documents act as insightful monitoring and advocacy tools that can be used by a range of stakeholders, to advance national nutrition and physical activity policy actions, and campaigning efforts to advance progress on childhood obesity prevalence.
Thank you to those who attended the launch webinars, and to the speakers who included CO-CREATE Project Lead Dr Knut Inge Klepp, Dr Kremlin Wickramasinghe (WHO Europe), Jacob Schouenborg (ISCA) and the CO-CREATE Youth Taskforce.