2024 in review: Terve Paino (Healthy Weight Association) | World Obesity Federation

2024 in review: Terve Paino (Healthy Weight Association)

News2024 in review: Terve Paino (Healthy Weight Association)

Terve Paino (Healthy Weight Association), is a relatively new organisation in Finland to promote societal and political decisions for a healthier food environment to curb obesity.

Last year the Finnish Parliament passed a new tax law on sugary beverages, staged according to the amount of free sugars. This year the Parliament increased the VAT tax for candy from 14% to 25.5%.

Both laws were much debated and industry lobbied heavily against it. Terve Paino was among the prominent promoters of the laws.

Currently Terve Paino continues to work for more comprehensive sugar taxes. But more attention is given also to restriction of marketing to children.

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