Resources produced by CO-CREATE
These resources have been created by the CO-CREATE team and are available to read online without charge. They are intended to support policy-makers, civil society and advocacy organisations, researchers, educators, health professionals, the media, and above all young people wanting to explore the issues in further depth.

CO-CREATE website: an overview and detailed set of linked resources from the CO-CREATE coordinating organization. The site includes infographics, flyers, videos, publications lists, newsletters and many other resources generated in the CO-CREATE project.
Healthy Voices: an interactive website containing videos, factsheets, infographics, policy briefs, blog platforms, advocacy tools, personal experiences and more.
MOVING: an extensive database of national policies designed to encourage physical activity, collected from countries around the world and which have been implemented and are currently operational.
NOURISHING: an extensive database of national policies designed to improve food supplies for dietary health, collected from countries around the world and which have been implemented and are currently operational

Nutrition and physical activity policy evaluation: Tools for benchmarking policies and for creating national policy index scores. The tools can be used to assess progress in national policy actions and compare between countries.
Policy indexing is used in two policy briefs, here:
Dialogue Forum tools: A set of guidelines and protocols for physical and digital forums with young people. The tools include a Guidebook giving instructions on organizing a Dialogue Forum, plus two sets of instructions for organizing in-person Physical Dialogue Forums and online Digital Dialogue Forums.
Youth-Led Change: A Systems Thinking Activity Toolkit: This is a set of CO-CREATE tools to encourage systems thinking when advocating for change. It is a complete guide for youth to learn about systems thinking in a fun and engaging way.
Systems Thinking Across Research (STAR) framework protocol: This is a proposed protocol which crystalises the lessons from CO-CREATE in taking a systems approach, and proposes a methodology to support researchers in designing systems-based research projects.

Youth Alliances: A paper describing the experiences of recruiting and running alliances of young people. Includes descriptions of the recruitment and engagement processes undertaken in the CO-CREATE project with 15 Youth Alliances involving 199 adolescents aged 15-19 years in five countries.
Participatory policy development: In addition to the guidance on Youth Alliances, specific reports are available on the use of systems mapping.
CO-CREATE Youth Alliance Taskforce Declaration: statements to policy-makers and stakeholders Eight members of the Youth Alliances formed a Taskforce and drafted and published a Youth Alliance Declaration.
System Dynamics Simulation Model: Using the Health Behaviour of School-aged Children Surveys of adolescents, youth created systems maps, literature and expert consultation, CO-CREATE teams used novel software based on systems dynamics to reveal a range of related issues affecting obesity risk, including mental health issues, not previously demonstrated. Systems modelling also demonstrates that no single intervention would be sufficient

Youth survey – open access data: Data collected from youth in England, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Portugal. The datafile includes 73 variables covering demographics and three main themes: “political/civic engagement”, “readiness to action” and “thoughts relating to preventing obesity in society”. The cleaned, anonymised results are managed by Sikt (Norwegian data depository).
Policy briefs: Two briefing sheets provide state of the art information for policy-makers, one on inequalities and one on interventions for sugar-sweetened beverages in Europe. In addition, five country-specific briefs were produced by the CO-CREATE Youth Alliances for Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the UK.
Practice abstracts: One-page summaries of 38 outputs from the CO-CREATE project have been prepared for rapid briefing. They are published on the CO-CREATE website and will be available on the European Commission EIP-AGRI and EU CAP Network websites (under construction).
All CO-CREATE publications: A list of all publications from the CO-CREATE project can be browsed on the CO-CREATE website. The scientific papers are all open access and do not require journal subscriptions. Selected deliverables are also published here.