Infographics are an efficient tool to provide key information in a clear, artistic and effective way. Here, you will find some infographics that you can use to support your advocacy campaigns!
Youth Engagement
Did you know that over half of the world's population is under the age of 30? In fact, they represent the largest youth population in history. Young people hold a very unique position where they have the ability to disrupt power dynamics. Unfortunately, until now, young people have often been excluded from political processes, economic and educational opportunities. However, advocating for meaningful youth engagement can serve as a key force against exclusion. In fact, young poeple have the ability to do and drive positive social change, which in turn has a significant ripple effect that fuels progress on many levels, in any context. Below are some infographics that highlight how to ensure positive youth involvement. So don't wait one more second and start using some of their suggestions and share them around you! Lets show that #YouthMatter.